Exploring sitemap with pry?

I’m trying to learn more about sitemap and would like to launch a pry session once it’s populated. So I added the following to config.rb:

ready do

And at the beginning put:

require 'pry'

But then running middleman server gives:

/Users/ayank/Documents/web/YankMM/config.rb:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- pry (LoadError)

What am I missing?

Have you added pry to your Gemfile?

Have you taken a look at the /__middleman/sitemap/ meta page?

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Adding pry to my gemfile did the trick—I missed that one.

I had poked around /__middleman/sitemap/ but wanted to fire up pry to fiddle with method calls. I’m doing that now thanks to including it in my gemfile!