All asset links are wrong on build

i have built my middleman protect and all the asset links to the css, js and images are broken

this is the code for an image

<%= image_tag "pillar-box-lettings-logo.svg" %>

and the html it creates is

<img src="/images/pillar-box-lettings-logo.svg" alt="Pillar box lettings logo">

however on my site when i upload the files the image does not show, but if you remove the first “/” it does.

so how can i fix this as the image tag and stylesheet links are default in middleman when you create a new project.

Are you hosting it on GitHub pages or something similar? If you are, it will be looking for files at

Instead of

In order to make all of your links relative, add to your config.rb:

set :relative_links, true

To only change a single link, replace

<%= image_tag "pillar-box-lettings-logo.svg" %>


<%= image_tag "pillar-box-lettings-logo.svg", relative: true %>

More information found:

this is my config file

activate :autoprefixer

set :css_dir, "assets/css"
set :js_dir, "assets/js"
set :images_dir, "assets/images"
set :fonts_dir, "assets/fonts"
set :layout, "layouts/application"

page '/*.xml', layout: false
page '/*.json', layout: false
page '/*.txt', layout: false

configure :development do
   activate :livereload

configure :build do
  activate :relative_assets
  set :relative_links, true
  activate :minify_css
  activate :minify_javascript

but the relative links is not working there is no forward slash at the beginning of css and js links

<script src="assets/js/application.js"></script>

rather than

<script src="/assets/js/application.js"></script>

any ideas?