I am writing a custom extension that can generate images on the fly while generating middleman site. This is what my code looks like
class GenImage < Middleman::Extension
def initialize(app, options_hash={}, &block)
app.after_build do
image_font = "AvantGarde-Book"
image_dir = "source/images"
system("if [ ! -d \"#{image_dir}\" ]; then mkdir #{image_dir}; fi")
blog.articles.each do |item|
filename = item.data.baseurl + ".gif"
output = image_dir + "/" + filename
system("if [ ! -f #{output} ]; then convert -size 260x170 -background black -gravity center -weight 300 -pointsize 20 -font #{image_font} -fill white caption:\"#{item.data.title}\" -bordercolor black -border 20x0 -gravity south -background black -splice 0x10 -font #{image_font} -pointsize 12 -annotate +0+2 '' #{output} && echo \"-> Generating #{output}\"; else echo \"-> identical #{output}\"; fi")
::Middleman::Extensions.register(:generate_images, GenImage)
The code is working pretty good except that I need to use the command middleman build twice. Because when i run the build command, the images get generated at last in the source directory. So I will have to execute the same command again to move newly created images to the build directory.
I tried generating images directly to the build directory but it doesn’t help me because the images are deleted and created again everytime I execute middleman build command.
I tried before_build method. This command generates and replaces them for every single post. i.e If I have 10 posts then every post then image is generated 100 times(by replacing itself).
I am expecting the images to be generated in the source directory and copied to the build directory with one single command.