Link to article by name?

Is it possible to link to an article by name?

In jekyll you could do : [Some Link]({% post_url 2010-07-21-name-of-post %})

Are you wanting to link from a post using middleman-blog to another post? What’s your middleman set up?

yes, link to another blog post within a blog post. here is my setup:

Your blog posts in source/posts are marked as being in the Slim templating that I haven’t used. I had to go find this post on Stackoverflow about slim & links. What I understand you want is to use a syntax closer to Markdown of

[This link]( 

which Middleman can use. You’d have to convert your posts from slim template to markdown

Middleman does support slim.

I am trying to see if there is a method that stores an index of posts that can be accessed to get the post title and url without having to manually add it like: <a href="/2013/05/06/constant-learning/">learning to code</a>

Yep, that’s in the blog documentation. The blog object has an articles property that is an index of all posts.

If you wanted the 3 most recent posts (my markup is in ERB but it’s the gist of the logic)

<% blog.articles[0...3].each do |article| %>
          <h2><%= link_to article.title, article.url %></h2>
<% end %>

Yes, I know I could do that from the guide, but I was curious if anyone had a method or extension to parse the full article list quickly to get the title and url of a given post.

To anyone looking for a way to search for a post by the post title to build urls, this is how I solved this:

  def post_url(article_title)
    blog.articles.find { |article| article.title.downcase == article_title.downcase }.url

accessed by:

#{post_url("Who's online at 2am?")}
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Hi Chris,
could you explain in details when I need to add provided by you solution?

I’m new with Middleman so it will be very helpfull for me.

Thank you in advance.

Which piece are you referencing? I have since moved away from this older approach.