Blogging with :directory_indexes enabled

I’m trying to use pretty URLs on a blog, in the format:{year}/{mm}/blog-post-title/

Unfortunately, I can’t seem to figure out the proper blog.permalink value to make this happen.

If my blog.permalink is:


I get blog posts with links ending with .html, so the permalink setting is overriding the fact that I have directory indexes enabled.

If my blog.permalink is:


I see the build process generating files with {title} as the filename and no extension, not directories with an index.html file within them.

If it would help, here is the site source.

Thanks to this post, I figured out that directory indexes have to be activated below where you activate the blog. This was somewhat opaque to me.

In general, I find the order in which different extensions need to be activated a bit confusing. Is there any better way to determine when the order of extensions matters than searching online in the hopes someone mentions a particular quirk? :slight_smile:

Great minds behind Middleman are working on fixing if in version 4. There will be some automatic dependence or discovery of what needs to be loaded first.