Build non-minified HTML

Is there a way to not minify the HTML in the build?

If you’re not using the middleman-minify-html extension, then it won’t be.

I’ve never used that extension. The only thing activated in my configure :build do is :relative_assets.

So what do you mean about minifying html? Are you using haml? Some more details would help.

Hello @tdreyno

I Have the same “problem”.
When i build i want to keep a nice indentation for HTML to be exploited by someone.

Problem: I use slim templating
Here is my config.rb

Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

I have found the answer

if you use slim for HTML simply add this line in config.rb

require 'slim'
# Avoid HTML minification for people who don't know slim
Slim::Engine.default_options[:pretty] = true