Customize bootstrap-sass when using Middleman?

How do I use a sass file of variables such as $body-bg: #00FF00; to override bootstrap’s default look?

In my Gemfile is gem 'bootstrap-sass', require: false. In my source/stylesheets/all.css.scss is

// all.css.scss
//= require "bootstrap.scss

and the site displays with bootstrap’s default look. All the information I’ve found is specific to Rails.

Here’s how I’ve done it.

  1. Create a bootstrap.scss inside your stylesheets directory and copy the contents from bootstrap.scss from the gem
  2. Comment out what you don’t need.
  3. Depending on how many overrides you want, either insert them inline after the default variables have been imported (line 2) or import your own overrides stylesheet.

P.S. I recommend using use regular sass @imports instead of sprockets. I’ve run into trouble to get mixins working properly with sprockets.

Thank you! That’s what I needed.