Middleman-graphviz and some middleman tutorials

I think middleman is really great, and I’ve written some tutorials on how to setup, configure and write middleman extensions.

Here’s a small extension that lets you embed dot files into your document

This is used like
<% graphviz do %>
digraph {
A -> B
A -> C
B -> D
C -> D
C -> E
<% end %>

and it will be replaced with the generated SVG.

I’ve also been documenting what I’ve learned in the following posts.
Building Sites with Middleman
Middleman Tricks and Hacks
Building Middleman Extensions

Middleman is really great stuff, thanks to all who have been working on it!


Wow great stuff @wschenk, thank you!

Awesome! these tutorials are neat, the one about extensions comes right in time for me!

I’m planning to start a blog (in Spanish) and I have some articles about Middleman in mind, sure I’ll sharing your posts in them.