Adding asset paths

Hi there, me again!

In my vein attempt to scale out with Middleman I’m attempting to import scss files into the source directory at various locations. I had some joy doing this in lib/assets/javascripts for js, but I cannot get scss to import from various locations within the source directory. I’ve researched this for many days now and cannot seem to get a straight answer to this. From the terminal I’m getting a list of asset paths that are available on build:

Load paths:

In my config.rb I’ve added

after_configuration do
  sprockets.append_path '../../lib/assets/javascripts'
  sprockets.append_path '../../lib/assets/stylesheets'
  sprockets.append_path '/app/assets/stylesheets'
  sprockets.append_path '/brands/'

The idea is that brands would import scss from any location there, or am I dreaming!

Kind regards
