Articles aren't being loaded in middleman-blog

I have been trying to debug this for days now and this has been very frustrating. I tried going deep into middleman-blog’s innards but I am still lost. Anyway I have been following this

to the dot, except that I am using HAML and markdown.

I think I’ve customised it way too much? HEre is my config:

page '/*.xml', layout: false
page '/*.json', layout: false
page '/*.txt', layout: false
page "/coffee/*", layout: 'article'
page "/code/*", layout: 'article'

activate :directory_indexes
activate :blog do |blog|
  blog.layout = 'article'
  blog.sources = "{category}/{title}"
  blog.permalink = "{category}/{title}/"

So I have put my posts in


and they ACTUALLY do appear when I go to: Problem is, in my layouts/article.haml

I have this:

= blog.articles[0...5].each do |article|
      %a{href: article.url}= article.title
      %time='%b %e %Y')
    = article.summary
    %a{href: article.url} Read more

Nothing shows up. I tried doing a binding.pry and blog always returns an empty BlogData object. I have tried doing a bunch of puts by doing a bundle open but I couldn’t understand why it can’t find the damn articles. I’m pretty sure I’m missing something SUPER obvious here as I have tried this exact setup without HAML and it works.

Upon further investigation, it looks like it is the problem of categories as permalinks. So I want my blog to be something like:

so I had this setup on a new mdidleman blog:

  blog.layout = 'layout'
  blog.sources = "/{category}/{title}"
  blog.permalink = "/{category}/{title}/"

article is now located at:


with code being my category. Again, it redners no articles. What is it with categories as permalinks that break stuff?

I know this is an old post, but I ran across it trying to debug a similar issue. I think the error might be in the sources string:

blog.sources = "/{category}/{title}"

I think the source should only include the final extension:

blog.sources = "/{category}/{title}.html"

Digging the dead - @yourboyblue is correct, the blog.sources should only include the final .html extension.