Can I the blog to my MM if I have already initialized it?

Hi, I have already initialized my MM-project, can i still add the blog to it ? if so how …

or do i have to make a new mm project from scratch ?


  1. Make a safety copy of your config.rb, ìnit.html.erbandlayout.erb` files.

  2. cd into the project dir

  3. Run middleman init --template=blog (as when you create a blog from scratch, but without the project name)

  4. Note that config.rb will be overwritten, as will the index.html.erb file. Manually merge your copy of config.rb with the new one.

Note that if your project is using haml instead of erb, you will have to translate index.html.erb, tag.html.erb and calender.html.erb. Same goes for slim etc.

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You can just add the gem and follow the instructions in the repo.

Awesome thanks for the info! will read it now :smile: