Can't symbolize keys of data store hashes

I’m trying to read my htmlcompressor and uglifier options from the data store.

activate :minify_html, data.config.htmlcompressor.to_options

isn’t working at all. I’m not sure how to debug this cause I’m not getting any errors. As far as I can tell symbolize_keys isn’t working, but I’m not sure why. I added this code to my config.rb

foo = {
  'foo_bar' => true,
  'bar_foo' => false
puts foo.to_options

And everything seems to work fine. Maybe I’m missing something. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

// had to choose a category…

I’m using this Gist for now, but I’d still rather use active support respectively want to now why it’s not working in the first place.

The object that returns from data is a special, not-quite-hash that lets you access it’s properties in a variety of ways. The extension probably expects a normal hash. Try adding .to_h to get the normal hash first.

activate :minify_html, data.config.htmlcompressor.to_h.symbolize_keys

works fine with ruby 2.0