So, I’m running up against an issue which is really throwing me. I currently have bower installing components to /source/dependencies
In my config.rb I’m ignoring that entire directory, as well as appending it to Sprockets so that I can require some libs from within it:
activate :directory_indexes
activate :sprockets
after_configuration do
@bower_config = JSON.parse("#{root}/.bowerrc"))
@bower_assets_path = File.join "#{root}", @bower_config["directory"]
sprockets.append_path @bower_assets_path
ignore 'dependencies/*'
Now, when attempting to build, I receive a stack trace with this at the top:
'require': cannot load such file -- less (LoadError)
I’ve tracked this back to a lib that I have sitting in that dependencies directory - Jcrop. If I remove this directory the build runs fine. My question is, why is Middleman attempting to parse any of the files in source/dependencies if I’m ignoring the entire directory?
If anyone can provide some insight I’d really appreciate it.