Discrepancies between my sitemap and my site resources?

I’m trying to link to blog posts from an index displaying them all.

My index is being displayed like so:
<% page_articles.each_with_index do |article, i| %>
<%= link_to article.title, article %>
<% end %>

On my page, this link looks like mysite/blog-title.

This page doesn’t exist, at least not there.

Alternately, if I display my index like this:
<% page_articles.each_with_index do |article, i| %>
<%= link_to article.title, article %>
<% end %>

On my page, the link looks like mysite/blog/articles/2019-04-12-blog-title.html.

This page also doesn’t exist.

When I check my sitemap, (which doesn’t show the build directory, I guess by design?) it says the file is located in blog/launching-my-blog/

In my directory, this is the file structure:
>> build
>>>> blog
>>>>>> blog-title
>>>>>>>> index.html
>>>> images
>>>> javascripts
>>>> stylesheets
>>>> index.html
>> source
>>>> blog
>_>> index.html.erb (page where I list all blogs)
>>>>>> articles
>>>>>>>> 2019-04-12-blog-title.html.markdown
>>>> images
>>>> javascripts
>>>> layouts
>>>> stylesheets
>>>>> index.html.erb (my root index page, the one I edit)
>>>>> config.rb
>>>>> Gemfile
>>>>> Gemfile.lock
>>>>> index.html
>>> README.md

I’m a beginner and it’s very possible I messed up the directories somehow when I did my initial setup.

Which one of these should I point to and how should I structure the links?

Edit: Also, here’s my sources: blog.sources = 'articles/{year}-{month}-{day}-{title}.html'
blog.page_link = 'page/{num}.html'

Final edit: I fixed it! I used article.url instead of article.path. Is this okay?

Sadly, I found this community a lil dead. Or maybe is just me.

Did you solved this?

You can just use article instead of article.url even!

Yeah I just used article.url instead, but as someone else pointed out I could have just used article.

Can you post your config.rb? Are you using the latest Middleman 4.x? I have a blog running fine, but it’s based on Middleman 3.4.1 & Middleman-Blog 3.5.3, I’m not sure if all config is the same.

My essential part of config.rb is the following:

activate :blog do |blog|
  blog.permalink = "{year}/{month}-{day}-{title}.html"
  blog.sources = "{year}/{year}-{month}-{day}-{title}.html"
  # blog.prefix = "blog"

As you can see, I don’t have a blog.prefix set, I publish it at the root of the domain. This fragment of your build code seems suspicious to me: mysite/blog/articles/… – why both mysite and blog? And in your file structure you show build/blog/blog-title which is different from the above.