Dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.63.dylib error message

Got a kind of strange issue today after start working again on a site, with none of my CSS loading anymore and the internal server throwing lots of 500 error with the following message.

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.63.dylib
  Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/node
  Reason: image not found

Well, I somehow guess I was the culprit on Sunday when I did update some of my other brew packages, but I’m not sure what icu4c really is to be honest. Looks like some library for c compilation. Somehow linked to other libraries.

A brew update, doctor and a bundle update didn’t really work. I then looked at what version of this icu4c I was having, and suddenly the system was saying 64.2 rather than 63. Here what the problem could have been.

So I worked out how to uninstall what it could have been linked to it with a

brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies --force node
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies --force icu4c
brew install icu4c
brew unlink icu4c && brew link icu4c --force
brew install node

Have eventually added this line export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig" to the .zshrc file.

Everything returned to work as before.

There’s a bunch of suggestions here. I’d probably start with running brew update && brew upgrade.

Hey Tom,

Mine was a resolutive post to share how I did solve the issue. I thought it would have been helpful for somebody else.

But thanks for searching and posting your link too.

I upgrade my node only. This worked for me.