File not Found (New Blog Post)

Hi guys!

Very frustrated with this error, somehow, my new article, my new entry to my blog, is not showing, a FIle not Found error shows, in local and after building.

Here’s how it shows in my localhost:

And here you can check it online.

Here is my sitemap in localhost:

And here is online.

Also, this may help. My “blog code-block”:

activate :blog do |blog|
  # This will add a prefix to all links, template references and source paths
  #blog.prefix = "blog"
  blog.permalink = '{title}'
  # Matcher for blog source files
  blog.sources = 'articles/{year}-{month}-{day}-{title}.html'
  blog.layout = 'article'
  blog.default_extension = '.md.erb'
  activate :directory_indexes
  #blog.taglink = "tags/{tag}.html"
  blog.paginate = true
  blog.page_link = "p{num}"
  blog.per_page = 9

Here you can see the feed.xml online. I think this may help…

Adding: when I run ‘bundle exec middleman build --verbose’ I get this error message:

error  build/what-s-haskell?/index.html

<html><head></head><body><h1>File Not Found</h1><p>&#x2F;what-s-haskell</p></body></html>

I run with bundle exec prefix because some thor problem that tells me to use the prefix, without bundle exec the local server will not start. I do not think that this is related to the error, but is better if you know it now.

I’v been changin the permalink, the prefix, the blog sources, the defualt extension, commented directory indexes, pagination… nothing worked. Maybe has something to do with the sitemap? Or Gemfile.lock? Or even the feed.xml? I’m starting this personal website and this issue got me stuck :persevere:


Well, I changed the date of the post, and that blew up everything. Just deleted the old post, and added a new one. Solved it!

Was it a future date by any chance? Middleman hides posts with dates that haven’t passed yet by default.

I think that that is an option, and I didn’t enabled it. The builiding process just failed.

The question mark in post title was probably the problem, because it has special meaning in HTTP – it opens query-component of an URL and is not (should not be) part of the page name. Strange to me that MM-Blog engine allowed you to use it. Are you generating your on slug-names?

And about this one:

Here you have a an explanation and solution:
Just create binstubs bundle install --binstubs as described in Bundler docs.

Don’t know what slug-names are… and that issue I think is somehow different. Actually the problem was that the YAML frontmatter had a date that was different to the date that was in the name of the file.

Like, and in YAML I had a date tag with the date 12:59 18-04-2019

The hour doesn’t change anything, but the calendar date being different caused the build command to crash.
