Full image URLs in generated site


I’m wondering if Middleman can generate a full URL for image paths?

Example: if I write /img/foo.png in content source, the same will appear in the generated HTML and feed readers cannot render these images.

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Hi marko,

You would have to explicitly set which domain you were deploying to, but here’s how you could get an image_url helper. Inside config.rb:

# Used for generating absolute URLs
set :protocol, "http://"
set :host, "example.com"
set :port, 80

helpers do

  def host_with_port
    [host, optional_port].compact.join(':')

  def optional_port
    port unless port.to_i == 80

  def image_url(source)
    protocol + host_with_port + image_path(source)


configure :development do
  # Used for generating absolute URLs
  set :host, Middleman::PreviewServer.host
  set :port, Middleman::PreviewServer.port

You could then use the helper like this:

<%= image_tag image_url("vacation.jpg"), alt: "Trip to Mars" %>

Which would produce:

<img src="http://example.com/images/vacation.jpg" alt="Trip to Mars">
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Hi Aupajo,

Thanks for your answer, that’s it.

Since my blog posts are in Markdown, I realized that in order to use helpers they should have .md.erb extension.

Now I’m having an issue with making markdown-syntax work in .erb files which contain Ruby snippets, but I’ll start another issue / thread for that.


is there any way to get Aupajo’s Helper to work with hashed image urls (using asset_hash)?


Hi @benebun,

The helper should work with asset_hash just fine. It uses image_path, which is handled by asset_hash.

A few updates to this, since it seemed to break for me during the upgrade to Middleman 4. Specifically:

  • Middleman::PreviewServer doesn’t seem to work to access the current host or port during development anymore. I’m not sure what the new “proper” way to do this is, but I always use the same hostname and port for accessing during development, so I just hardcoded it.

  • You can no longer access config variables in config.rb using the plain syntax above. Rather, the helpers block now looks as follows:

    helpers do
    def host_with_port
    [config[:host], optional_port].compact.join(’:’)

    def optional_port
      config[:port] unless config[:port].to_i == 80
    def image_url(source)
      config[:protocol] + host_with_port + image_path(source)


Hope that helps someone (or, you know, me, searching for the same problem yet again three years down the line) in the future.

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