Generate Article, Multiple Blog

I was hoping to find out how to generate an article for a specific blog when using the multiple blog feature in middleman-blog. I’ve tried:

middleman article --name Title

That was big fail :wink:

Help/Advice --appreciated!

Suppose that you’ve set up two blogs by putting this in your config.rb:

activate :blog do |blog| = "cats"
  blog.prefix = "cats"

activate :blog do |blog| = "dogs"
  blog.prefix = "dogs"

You could generate a new article for the dogs blog by running:

middleman article --blog=dogs "Puppy has a bath"

Ahhh so good to see this answered upon waking up first thing this morning, thank you @nelstrom!

Thanks! Also couldn’t find out the right way to generate an article for a specific blog :boom: