Hello guys,
Has anybody came across a good solution to generate thumbnails on the fly on M4?
I’ve been including inline images via the markdown, hence I need something that can work from there. This shouldn’t be an issue if the file extension is .erb I guess.
The other complication I have is that I have had to build my custom link tag to get images spit out accordingly to the localised folder they belong to.
So my image tag looks like this
![](){: data-src="<%= getBlogImage(current_page,"grafo.png") %>"}{:.imageContent}
and nothing between the most relevant solutions ([Clowncar](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-clowncar)
, [Middleman-images](https://github.com/zweitag/middleman-images)
, [Middleman-Thumbnailer](https://github.com/bastilian/middleman-thumbnailer)
, [Middleman-simple-thumbnailer](https://github.com/kubenstein/middleman-simple-thumbnailer)
) seems to work as they all need the standard image_tag somehow.
Any idea?