I have a YML file that renders Hash symbols at the end of the loop:
Here’s the screen grab of the rendered HTML:
Here’s the YAML file:
- name: The Beers
link: /the-beers/- name: Pub
link: /pub-sf/- name: Tap Room
link: /tap-room/- name: Find Some
link: /find-some/- name: Gear
link: /shop/- name: The Brewery
link: /the-brewery/- name: History
link: /history/- name: Journal
link: /journal/
Here is the HAML file:
%header{role: “banner”}
%h1= link_to data.config.site.title, “/”, rel: “home”
%nav{role: “navigation”}
= data.navigation.nav.each do |nav|
= link_to nav.name, nav.link
Sorry if the answer is obvious. I’m new to HAML, so maybe the problem is in my code.
Thanks for the help.