Layout.erb not rendering


So I’ve nearly finished up my personal site/blog, but I’m having the issue of nothing except some bits of text are being rendered from my layout.erb file. None of the styles are being loaded either, and when running bundle exec middleman build --verbose doesn’t show any errors, and doing a check with rails-erb-lint check -v in the source/ folder where my layout.erb is and the template is valid. To help me solve this issue, here’s my

  • My config.rb

  • My layout.erb

  • The tree of both the source/ directory and resulting build/ directory

    • source/

      ├── about.html.erb
      ├── calendar.html.erb
      ├── contact.html.erb
      ├── css
      │   └── blog.css
      ├── feed.xml.builder
      ├── img
      │   ├── 1200x630bb.jpg
      │   ├── o.jpg
      │   └── varidesk-prodesk-60.jpg
      ├── index.html.erb
      ├── js
      │   └── mobile.js
      ├── layout.erb
      ├── layouts
      │   └── article_layout.erb
      ├── posts
      │   └── posts.html.erb
      └── tag.html.erb
    • build/

      ├── about
      │   └── index.html
      ├── contact
      │   └── index.html
      ├── css
      │   └── blog.css
      ├── feed.xml
      ├── img
      │   ├── 1200x630bb.jpg
      │   ├── o.jpg
      │   └── varidesk-prodesk-60.jpg
      ├── index.html
      ├── js
      │   └── mobile.js
      └── posts
          └── posts
              └── index.html

layout.erb needs to be in the layouts folder.

Yyyyyup, that would be part of the issue. Another issue would be getting all the created index.html files to actually grab my CSS file blog.css. The content for pages is fine, it just none of them are grabbing the styles from the minified css/blog.css file in the build/ directory.

@The-BigDaddy Try <% = stylesheet_link_tag "blog" %> instead of using link.