Layout shared between sites

I’m trying to publish prose documentation for several of Basho’s open-source releases, each with a gh-pages and page-builder branch on their repos (c.f. and ), but with common styles and configurations so my coworkers (working with Python, Java, and PHP) don’t have to learn much Ruby, just the Markdown they already write.

I think I’ve got a handle on the CSS and JavaScript resources using Sprockets.

I’ve tried having the separate gem override the layout_dir (which causes Middleman to have issues because the layout isn’t in the site tree), but I haven’t tried having the extension symlink the layout in (I know this would work, it just seems… inelegant).

Is there a simple and supported way to move the layout for a site into a separate gem/extension that can be updated relatively easily? If not, does anyone know how much of a mission it would be to build and contribute this to the community?

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I spiked out the symlink version:

# config.rb
set :layout_target_dir, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'source', 'layouts')
activate :basho_client
add_basho_resources sprockets

# basho_client_middleman.gem / extension.rb
module BashoClientMiddleman
  class Extension < Middleman::Extension
    def initialize(app…)
      target = app.config[:layout_target_dir]
      FileUtils.ln_s(d('layouts/layout.haml'), target, force: true)
      app.include InstanceMethods

    module InstanceMethods
      def add_basho_resources(sprockets)
        sprockets.append_path d('stylesheets')
        sprockets.append_path d('javascripts')

      def d(ext)
        File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'source', ext))

It works, but I’m not really satisfied with it. Going to ship it anyways.