Lightweight CMSy git based edit setup

I love developing my super efficient site in Middleman for I don’t love that my communications people cannot make edits to the content of my site.

My site being a marketing site has no fixed content structure but has a lot of individual paragraphs and strings.

I would love a way to let my people edit text, even in different branches, without breaking my nice git based workflow and Netlify hosting setup.

I’m guessing I’m not the first to have this challenge but I have not found a good solution so far.

Do any of you have ideas?


Although I have no experience with it, NetlifyCMS is one option. It just requires the use of GitHub.

Another option is to let your communications people use a web-based git repository browser, such as GitHub, BitBucket or Gitlab. Then, let them edit HTML or Markdown source directly from there.

Lastly, people on Hacker News mentioned the use of a shared network drive that allowed marketing people to edit source files and review changes on an always running dev server instance. After marketing people were done with changes, git commits and pushes would be managed by developers. If you have a slightly larger team, this could be an option, as well.

Hope this helps.

Consider also Prose which is like a lighter NetlifyCMS.

DatoCMS is another option. It has great Middleman support.