Link_to wrap around blocks in HAML?

I’m banging my head against the wall. I can’t figure out a working example for HAML. I only see ERB examples.

I want to wrap a div and all it’s contents in a link_to

I’ve tried this and it crashes middleman.

= link_to “path/to/page.html” do
Other page
%span.icon Arrow

Any working examples? Or alternative to dynamic URLs wrapping elements on the page? I need a large click area.

Have you indended it properly? A working example from my code:

    - page_articles.each_with_index do |article, i|
        = link_to article, class: 'category_prev_link' do
          = tag :img, src: url_for_mini(article, '300'), alt: article.title
        %p.article_link= link_to UnicodeUtils.downcase(article.title), article, class: 'article_link'
        %p.article_date= strftime_pl(, true)

Maybe using =tag :div instead of %div is important?