Listing all pages in a subfolder

Hi there! I’m trying to understand how middleman works - pretty new to it - but all examples I found are for previous versions.

I would like to receive some help in understand how can I list, for example, all pages - html? - in a subfolder.

I’m preparing a boilerplate based on tachyons-sass, which I will share as soon as ready, and I wan to include all examples of the framework in a “examples” folder, under source, and create an index.html in this folder which list all pages without have to manually refer them - there are doznes and dozens of example!
For sure there’s a really smart ways to do this, but I have not figured yet.
Any help is very welcome.


Well, I got my answers, thanks to Josh Fry (

<% current_page.children.each do |page| %>
  <li><%= link_to, page.url %></li>
<% end %>

Awesome, start to getting some things working…