Middleman 4 Relative Assets Exclude Page

I’m trying to use the relative_assets extension in Middleman 4.2.1.

I have one page that I need to have absolute assets on, which is my /404.html page. I found the available options listed in the source here. It looks like I should be able to pass the ignore option an array of regexes to exclude.

I’ve tried to use this in my config.rb:

activate :relative_assets do |assets|
  assets.ignore = ["/404.html"]

However, I still get relative assets on the 404 page. Does anybody know how to properly exclude certain files from relative_assets?

I’ve also tried various other combinations such as:
["404"], ["/404"], ["\/404.html"], ["\/404"]
But none of these seem to work either.

I have also tried this technique with no success. It appears that the relative: false option is overridden when using the relative_assets plugin for both the stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag.

Currently having an exactly same issue! Bump.