Middleman article task & multiple-blog

I’m thinking of starting a new context on my blog and I want to use the multiple-blog technique for it.

At the moment I start a new article with the ‘middleman article TITLE’ task.
How can I specify the blogprefix in the above task?

Otherwise, I’ll just create the file manually.

2nd question :smile:

How can I alter my blog.articles[0...5].each do |article| loop to show all blog articles or the blog articles of 1 specific blog in the multiblog setup?

The version of Middleman blog with support for multiblog hasn’t been released yet.

I should stop to sniff through the git issues :wink:

May I ask if it’s on the release calender and planned for a version?

Basically, it’s done, but we need to write docs and nobody has the time for that right now.

Is there a way to get that build, even without the doc? It’s the only thing keeping back from switching from Jekyll.

Thanks for the great app nonetheless :slight_smile:

In your Gemfile:

gem "middleman-blog", :github => "middleman/middleman-blog"

Thank you very much!

In my tag.html.erb, I want to show of which blog the tag and articles originates. How can I determine the blog name, like:

<% breadcrumbs.unshift tagname %>
<h1><%= !BLOGNAME! %> articles tagged '<%= tagname %>'</h1>

  <% page_articles.each_with_index do |article, i| %>
    <li><%= link_to article.title, article %> <span><%= article.date.strftime('%b %e') %></span></li>
  <% end %>

Hey Guys, Its been 3 months since you indicated that the multiblog support is “basically done” but you haven’t had time to document it yet. Any idea when the official documentation for the plugin will come? I want to know if I should hold my breath for this or dig through the git repo.