Has anyone had luck making Sass + Autoprefixer fast?
On page refresh I’m seeing 3+ seconds for CSS compilation, rest of pipeline is about 100ms.
When I turned off Autoprefixer in config.rb CSS compiled in 100-200ms, about the same speed as my Slim templates and other Sprockets pipeline stuff.
From Gemfile.lock:
Using autoprefixer-rails 6.0.3
Using middleman-core 4.0.0.rc.2
Using middleman 4.0.0.rc.2
Using middleman-autoprefixer 2.6.1 from git://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer.git (at master)
Using middleman-livereload 3.4.3
Using sprockets 3.4.1
Using middleman-sprockets 4.0.0.rc.1