Middleman Blog Tag pages do not reflect locale

Currently running into a problem where the blog tag pages do no have the locale included in the URL (thereby ignoring whatever the current language selected is). I think this could be related to i18n, but not sure.

For example, I want the tag page to show up as {lang}/blog/tags/{tag}.html but it appears the {lang} variable is being ignored. I tried making a function with the blog activation script, but that caused other problems, so I dropped that idea.

The result is that, when clicking a tag (such as Python) it shows every instance of that article (the Japanese, English, and German versions) on a single page. Obviously I want it to only show the current locale, but because the language is being ignored, it’s just grabbing all of them.

Any thoughts on how to fix? Middleman 4 by the way.


# Page options, layouts, aliases and proxies
activate :syntax

activate :i18n do |i18n|
  i18n.path = "/:locale/"
  i18n.langs = [:en, :de, :ja]
  i18n.lang_map = { :en => :en, :de => :de, :ja => :ja }
  i18n.templates_dir = "content"
  i18n.mount_at_root = false

set :css_dir, './assets/css'
set :js_dir, './assets/js'
# set :images_dir, 'assets/images'

config[:url_root] = 'https://georepublic.info'
# config[:js_dir] = 'assets'
# config[:css_dir] = 'assets'
config[:fonts_dir] = 'assets'
config[:images_dir] = 'assets'
config[:layouts_dir] = 'layouts'

# Per-page layout changes:
# With no layout
page '/*.xml', layout: false
page '/*.json', layout: false
page '/*.txt', layout: false

page "/feed.xml", layout: false
page "/sitemap.xml", layout: false

# With alternative layout

page "/*/error/*.html", :layout => :layout_simple
page "/*/contact/*.html", :layout => :layout_simple
page "/*/imprint/*.html", :layout => :layout_simple
page "/*/disclaimer/*.html", :layout => :layout_simple
page "/*/company/jobs/*.html", :layout => :layout_simple

page "/*/blog/index.html", :layout => :layout_blog_list
# page "/*/blog/p*/*.html", :layout => :layout_blog_list
page "/*/blog/**/*.html", :layout => :layout_blog_article

page "/index.*", :layout => false
page "/*/blog/feed.xml", :layout => false, :directory_index => false
page "/*/contact/send.php", :layout => false, :directory_index => false

page "/*/services/*.html", :layout => :layout_page
page "/*/products/*.html", :layout => :layout_page
page "/*/projects/*.html", :layout => :layout_page

# Ignore certain directories to be generated by the builder
ignore "includes/*"
ignore "*/blog/calendar.html"
ignore "/*/company/newsletter/*"
page "/**/*.html", :layout => :layout_page

# Proxy pages (http://middlemanapp.com/basics/dynamic-pages/)
# proxy "/this-page-has-no-template.html", "/template-file.html", locals: {
#  which_fake_page: "Rendering a fake page with a local variable" }

# Blog

activate :blog do |blog|
  # This will add a prefix to all links, template references and source paths
  blog.prefix = "{lang}/blog/"
  blog.default_extension = "md"

  blog.permalink = "{year}/{title}"
  blog.sources = "{year}/{year}-{month}-{day}-{title}"

  blog.summary_generator = nil
  # blog.summary_separator = /(READMORE)/
  blog.summary_separator = /READMORE/
  blog.summary_length = 250

  blog.publish_future_dated = false
  blog.taglink = "/tags/{tag}.html"
  # blog.taglink = cur_lang("blog/tags/{tag}.html")
  blog.tag_template = "content/blog/layout_tag.html"
  # blog.tag_template = "content/blog/tag_base.html"
  # Enable pagination
  blog.paginate = true
  blog.per_page = 6
  blog.page_link = "p{num}"

helpers do
  # Returns a localized path with leading language code
  def local_path(path, options={})
    lang = options[:language] ? options[:language] : I18n.locale.to_s

  # Returns all pages under a certain directory.
  def sub_pages(dir, options={})
    lang = options[:language] ? options[:language] : I18n.locale.to_s
    sitemap.resources.select do |resource|

  # Returns certain page (ends with directory).
  def find_pages(dir, options={})
    lang = options[:language] ? options[:language] : I18n.locale.to_s
    sitemap.resources.select do |resource|

configure :development do
  activate :livereload do |reload|
    reload.no_swf = true

configure :production do
  activate :minify_html
  activate :asset_hash, ignore: [/\.jpg\Z/, /\.png\Z/, /\.svg\Z/]

# MUST be after :18n and :blog activation
activate :directory_indexes

activate :external_pipeline,
  name: :webpack,
  command: build? ? 'npm run build' : 'npm run watch',
  source: ".tmp/dist",
  latency: 1