Middleman server/ middleaman deploy not woriking after pushing changes to gh-pages

Hi, I wanted to make a blog and now I am stuck. I tried googling for the last week, but I couldn’t get a solution to work for me.

middleman server and middleman deploy worked

after I installed via bundle install, everything worked, I had seen the site on username.github.io. I build the basic site structure and sass, pushed it to gh-pages and everything worked as expected.j

#middleman server and middleman deploy stop working
Then I made a few changes and added middleman-blog to the Gemfile, which I configured in config.rb, then I’ve pushed the site via middleman-deploy, which made the changes and I could see them on username.github.io, but after I came back the other day and wanted to start developing I got several errors.

I tried gem clean, bundler clean --force, I installed rbenv-clean which clean all gems on all installed rbenv ruby versions , removed and reinstalled rbenv versions.

The head of #middleman server, middleman, bundle exec middleman s, bundle exec middleman server
== The Middleman is loading
== Preferring use of LibSass
== Blog Sources: {year}-{month}-{day}-{title}.html (:prefix + :sources)
bundler: failed to load command: middleman (~/.rbenv/versions/2.2.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/bin/middleman)

The Output from: which middleman

The Output from: rbenv whence middleman

The Output from: rbenv which middleman

Output which bundle:

I am on Fedora 24.

Could anybody help me out, or point me in a direction??

Thx in advance!!!


Hello @chrswndrs

Do you have this on your Gemfile ?

gem "therubyracer"

Hi @flexbox and thx for the reply.

Yes had and then I removed it. Both result in the same error.

I tried a bunch of things like. check aliases, and path to see if there was going something wrong. I which, rbenv whenced the middleman and bundler commands.
i put the middleman output to a textfile which help cause i couldn’t see the head of the error message.
I pointed it out in my first post:

I got error messages like - “from ~/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/bin/middleman”, before this there are the same with gems. which in the beginning pointed me to the config.rb file, or most of these “look a like” error messages, could have been fixed within the config.rb

Yesterday I setup a new Project, and copy pasted the files one by one and the same error happend when i copied the layout.html.haml.

Is there an Middleman error log or something, or can I only see this when the middleman server is running? How can I see the whole message on terminal, when the command fails. an Error message like this

let me only see the tail-part of the error, but it feels the good parts are in the head. (I tried to middleman >> middleman.txt, which showed, the mm is loading, preferring use of libsass, etc)

I use partials in the haml file, for nav and footer. Could it have something to do with this?

Is it correct, that you just have a bunch of gems installed locally, and when u change inside a project folder and rbenv local it, that all the gems you Install are locally to??

I thought that you rbenv -> project-folder to trap the gems inside that environment.
Could it have something to do with this??

I work with tmux, oh-my-zsh and zplug. Could it have something to do with one of these?

I deinstalled every ruby version < 2.3.1. sorry for the confusion.

Humm I think there is no issue with your terminal settings. BTW oh-my-zsh is amazing! :heart_eyes:
For the rest I have no fuck$ng idea about what is going on sorry.

If you are still stuck why do you not try another solution like https://rvm.io/ ?

Hi @flexbox, oh-my-zsh super AMAZING :slight_smile:

Thx for the Help, I will try rvm and see how it will go from there.

Have a nice day!!!