Middleman & Tailwindcss

Hi all,

Has anyone succesfully combined Middleman 4.4.0 and Tailwindcss 2.2 ?
There are two topic’s in this forum regarding my question, but they are kind of old and I had a lots of errors installing the recomendet repo’s.

I might give it a go next week

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Ok, so I did give it a go a week later, but failed. I decided to give it another try today and got it working:

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I’ve created a new template based on Middleman 4 and Tailwind CSS 3 that you can download/clone here:

I also wrote and article on how it was implemented here: https://www.donnfelker.com/tailwind-css-with-middleman/

I hope this helps someone. Enjoy.

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thanks for the effort Donn

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I created another template

This one is based on Vite.js so you can add JS modules.
Personally I added Turbo and Stimulus.
It’s (normally) ready for dev and build.
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Hello :wave:

I’ve created another one :raised_hands:

Starter Kit to build modern static websites with Middleman, Ralix, Tailwind, Webpack and PostCSS

You can easily start up your instance by:

  1. Clone/fork repository
  2. Install by bin/setup
  3. Starts development server by bin/start

It’s the template used to create the :cocktail:Tonic framework.

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