Middleman v3.1.0.beta.3


  • Extension template uses new class-based Extension
  • Fix missing children in some sitemap traversal operations. #837
  • Add respond_to? to DataStore. #872
  • Allow discovery of prerelease gems. #873
  • Include middleman-livereload in default Gemfile
  • Update to Listen 1.0.x
  • Update uglifier to 2.0.x
  • Convert all of middleman-more to new class-based Extensions

I feel like a dolt for not knowing this, but what is the command to install the latest version?

‘gem install middleman’ delivers 3.0.13 (as it presumably should).

I am running ruby 2.0.0p0

gem install middleman --pre

However, you should be able to do this in a Gemfile for an existing project rather than using a system-wide install.

Thank you. I updated my project gemfile to say:

gem "middleman", "~>3.1.0.beta"

This appears to be the preferred way to implement “–pre” in a gemfile.