Middleman-vegas - a syntax highlighter

This brings the great styles and metadata support found in the Octopress Code Highlighter to Middleman.

You can define code fences as you would normally. These code fences have support for the languages defined in rouge.

Define a code fence with a language.


Define a code fence for a language with the addition of a title.

```lang title

Define a code fence for a language with additional metadata

```lang [metadata]

The additional metadata that can be specified:

Metadata Example Description
lang ruby Used by the syntax highlighter. Passing ‘plain’ disables highlighting.
title title:"Figure 1.A" Add a figcaption title to your code block.
url url:"https://github.com" No default value
link_text link_text:"Download" Text for the link, default: "link"
linenos linenos:true Enables line numbering
start start:5 Start the line numbering at the given value.
mark mark:1-4,8 Highlight lines of code. This example marks lines 1,2,3,4 and 8
class class:"css example" Add CSS class names to the code <figure> element

Code Method Helper

Define a code fence with a language.

= code(:shell) do
   $ cd ~/sample-rails-app

Define a code fence for a language with the addition of a title.

= code(:studio, title: 'Habitat Studio') do
  | [1][default:/src:0]#

Define a code fence for a language with additional metadata

= code(:yaml, title: '~/sample-rails-app/docker-compose.yml', linenos: true, start: 7, marks: [8]) do
      image: <myorg>/sample-rails-app

Example Output

1 Like

Thanks man! I’ll give it a try, IMO it’s nicer that middleman-syntax :smiley:

I tried, oh I tried.

Here’s the error that I’m getting.

I have no clue what does this mean. I opened this issue in the repo.

This post I think that may help to understand what to do to solve the problem, but I’m kinda newbie, and I really just don’t know what may be causing this.

Any thoughts about this?