Please help - I don't know how to add blog navigation links like this : < previous_article_title / next_article_title >

This should be a very easy thing to do, and honestly I tried everything I could find on the internet on how to make this and still doesn’t work. Please help.

I have:
middleman 3.3.10 and middleman-blog 3.5.3, the templates I use index.html.erb layout.erb tag.html.erb etc out of the box, original, no modifications. The only thing I added, in order to achieve this navigation was this piece of code(like here) in layout.erb.

      <% prev_article = current_article.previous_article %>
        <% if prev_article %>
        <a href="#{prev_article.url}" rel="prev" title="Previous article: #{prev_article.title}"> Previous </a>
        <% end %>
      <% next_article = current_article.next_article %>
        <% if next_article %>
        <a href="#{next_article.url}" rel="next" title="Next article: #{next_article.title}"> Next </a>
        <% end %>

and everything crashes.

thanks as soon as I have this figured out I swear to make a how-to blog post on my site about it.

Compare your links with these examples.

here’s the code !

    <ul class="high">
        <% prev_article = current_article.previous_article %>
          <% if prev_article %>
          <a href="<%= prev_article.url %>" rel="prev" title="Previous article: <%= prev_article.title %>"> <%= prev_article.title %> </a>
          <% end %>
        <% next_article = current_article.next_article %>
          <% if next_article %>
          <a href="<%= next_article.url %>" rel="next" title="Next article: <%= next_article.title %>"> <%= next_article.title %> </a>
          <% end %>