Removing Middleman from page title

I have looked and looked but have no idea how the word ‘Middleman’ is being inserted into my titles. I am creating my title with

title: My Page Title

but it’s being inserted as so

Middleman | My Page Title

How the heck do I get rid of the word ‘Middleman’…?

My layout.erb has the tag

<title><%= page_title %></title>

Thank you for your help.

page_title looks like a custom defined helper. Search for that in your codebase.

@andrew Thank you for the reply…I didn’t find anything regarding a custom defined helper, but this was what fixed it for me

<%= + " | " + "Boston Intercom Group" %>

With this I just add the title at the top of each page which populates to the left and then I have hard coded the bar and company title to the right.

Hi studiorooster. You’ve done a search regex search through all your files/folders for the word Middleman and nothings come up? Not the best option to be repeating the .etc in each page.

@dikaio Thank you for reply. Can you please, for my sake, but hopefully someone else who may wonder, why its not the best option to do*?

I did a search but came up with nothing that in my eyes has anything to do with page_title. Here’s a screenshot of my search results. Thank yo for your time.

Hi @studiorooster. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to imply that their was something wrong with the page_title, what I mean to convey is that you typically would want to keep your code as DRY as possible and repeating the title in the head for no other reason then to not get the middleman string to show up does the opposite. Of course you don’t want Middleman in the title so while what you’ve done is a quick fix there should be a better solution you just have to find it. If this is a project you can share me or others here I’m sure wouldn’t mind going through it to find the culprit :smile:

typo edit

@dikaio No implications taken…I am here to learn to get better. Everytime I fire up a new MM app, I learn a new trick, so I am doing a little housecleaning right now, organizing my file structure and what not…I have already, according to Pingdom, reduced page load time from 4.04 seconds down to 800 milliseconds…that was exciting. As soon as I get things organized a bit better, I will open the Bitbucket for this project to public so you can take a look. Thank you for offereing that; I’m looking forward to seeing what you find.

Have a great weekend.