Setting/Forcing the Syntax Highlighting for a code block

Is there an official list of supported languages? Is there any way to tell that the syntax highlighter is in fact using xyz language when I use “```xyz” to start a code block?

I’m having trouble knowing what the “official” list of supported syntax highlighting languages are. For example, I have a few blocks of code that don’t highlight well and don’t seem to respond to any language strings.

In a .gitconfig example:

l = log --graph --pretty=format:’%Cred%h %Creset- %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset’ --abbrev-commit -n 15
rc = rebase --continue

There is no difference between three back ticks plain and adding ini or git. The problem here is that ‘continue’ gets highlighted as a key word as well as the % signs and numbers.

Next I have a post where I discuss some unix commands:

tar xf Sublime\ Text\ 2.0.1\ x64.tar.bz2
sudo mv Sublime\ Text\ 2 /opt/sublime

I’d like to force these to be unhighlighted blocks, but nothing seems to work. The problem here is the numbers and forward slashes are highlighted.

Are we talking about middleman-syntax ( If so, it’s powered using Rouge (, and a list of supported languages can be found at:

(Sorry about the awkward URLs. This forum has a ban on them for some reason.)

@Aupajo, thanks for the response. I figured out part of the problem was the version of the gem I was using (1.1.0), however when I upgrade I lose overflow scrolling. The highlighting is better and more controllable, but now when line is longer than the “highlight”

it doesn’t show a scrollbar it just wraps the line. Any ideas?

Sorry, no ideas. I’m not really familiar with Rouge.