Sitemap.where causes NoMethodError

I’m trying to automatically generate a list of links to pages that have certain frontmatter in them, but every time I try to use sitemap.where(), I get a NoMethodError. For example, the following line:

 <%= sitemap.where(:title=>"about") %>

produces this output:

NoMethodError at /
undefined method `where' for #<Middleman::Sitemap::Store:0x007f9b95c7d890>

Ruby	layouts/layout.erb: in block in singleton class, line 20
Web	GET localhost/

I was wondering if I accidentally messed something up in my project, so I generated a new Middleman project, but I had the same problem when I tried to use sitemap.where. I saw someone else on this forum posted the same issue about a year ago, but didn’t seem to get any responses. Am I doing something incorrectly?

I think that was a part of the Queryable Sitemap API, that no longer is a part of Middleman (since 4.0).

Thank you!

Do you think they’ll update the documentation? It’s still referenced there ( and caused several hours of confusion for me