Specify project template from another repository?

I used MiddleMan 2 for a couple year but haven’t had a chance to use it for a while.

Now, I’m considering using MiddleMan on some internal projects, and need to be able to manage our project templates in our internal instance of Stash.

How can I point to an internal repository for my project templates?

depends on where the repository resides, though default git url rules apply here (with the exception of the name/repository naming scheme for default operations)

e.g. a local repository would be used like (i suppose that is what you want)
middleman init TestDir -T file:///home/myrepo/path/is/here


I actually had two problems and this fixed both.

My company’s firewall was interfering with fetching things via git: protocol to init a default project, so I did this:

middleman init defaultish -T https://github.com/middleman/middleman-templates-default.git