Syntax Highlighting

Hey folks,
Is it possible to achieve Octopress style syntax highlighting in middleman? I can’t seem to find any docs on it.

I tried using middleman-syntax but I could’t even get it to work. I placed

<%= Rouge::Themes::Base16:Solarized.render(:scope => '.highlight') %>

in source/stylesheets/syntax.css.erb and added

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "styles/syntax" %>

to my layout file but I got an error saying the render() method could not be found

Any idea how to go about fixing this?


Did you managed to get it working in the meanwhile?

It is maybe not as clean as your approach, but I just copied the css style from and included it as a partial in my sass files.

Thanks @rriemann . I’ll look for a solarised stylesheet and try that. Mind showing me a screenshot of what yours looks like?

Still interested in fixing the problem with mine though :smile:

You mean how the style looks in the browser? I configured mine to have the same appearance like the original gist. It’s here as as well (one is a gist, one is a static PRE) :

@rriemann would it be possible to configure it to look like what octopress uses?

That’s really what I’m after

@fayimora sure it is possible. It is just a matter of finding the right css which has to be compatible with pygments highlighter.

Give it a try:

Thanks @rriemann. I was able to get something working. I’m trying to add a header to the code block. Not sure if redcarpet supports that.

I’m trying to achieve this:

Yes, that’s the octopress code widget. I liked that as well? I don’t actually know what you want. It is just a matter of apply some css rules to get it done. Which ingredient is missing to you to realize it? Is this problem related to middleman?

Have a look on my demonstration code again. I decided for a footer. Should be not so complicated to use the same method and make a header by it.

Are you using markdown? I couldn’t find a markdown processor that supported header/footer sections. If I can get that, styling is easy

Markdown supports html. So you could just write bla bla bla.

What I do, is a bit different.

code 2
{: .code-meta}

Thus, I can style using the class “code-meta”.


Is that a kramdown feature? I tried it and it just wrapped the block below in a p tag

{: .code-meta}

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Hmm I figured it would be a kramdown feature. I’ll check again if redcarpet supports it, else I just might switch.

You have a typo. it should be:

<%= Rouge::Themes::Base16::Solarized.render(:scope => '.highlight') %>

Yeah, I’m late, but I’ve found this and hey, seems to be really good:

I’ll give it a try, I like it more than middleman-syntax must say