Table of contents customization

I’m just getting started with Middleman and were wondering if it would be possible to implement a collapsible table of contents that would collapse at the index of the users page. The end goal is to have it look similar to the left TOC of What would be the best way to approach the problem?

Depending on whether you are planning to use blog-plugin or not, you have to traverse the Sitemap (if not using a blog-plugin) or just generate the TOC based on blog functions (articles, tags, etc.). A separate problem is presentation. Middleman by itself does not provide any rich-templates with such niceties as collapsible TOC, it’s more versatile but also bare-bones system, compared to Jekyll. So you would have to find/implement some JS/CSS solution of your own. Unless someone can point us to some recent and decent template sets for Middleman?

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I found a gem that seems to do the trick. Thanks for your help!