I seem to have an odd problem. In config.rb, when I set…
blog.calendar_template = "calendar.html"
…the sitemap reports that calendar.html is not built (“ignored”). Loading the page results in File Not Found.
If I comment that line…
# blog.calendar_template = "calendar.html"
…the sitemap shows the build path as “calendar/index.html”
Since the site map now thinks the file is being built, I load “calendar/index.html” and it returns…
undefined local variable or method `page_type' [...] middleman-core-3.3.7/lib/middleman-core/configuration.rb: in method_missing, line 78
So. Hmmm. The comment/uncomment aspect has a smell like if that were working the page_type method would be found. Any ideas how I might investigate? Setup details:
OS X 10.9.5 / ruby 2.1.2p95
gem “middleman”, “~> 3.3.7”
gem “middleman-blog”, “~> 3.5.3”
Thank you.