Welcome to the new Forum

This is the new forum, it comes with a tons of great features. Ejoy!

Wonderful functionality here on the new forum. Seriously… it’s one of the nicest i’ve seen.

What framework/software is it built on?

After looking at the source it appears to be based on http://www.discourse.org/

Very nice… should have though to do that :slight_smile:

Hi there!

I’ve been using middleman for a couple of projects and found it superior to jekyll and other static site generators in many ways. Thank you so much for making it!

My current project is visible (WIP) at https://beta.devuan.org/
The source code lives at https://git.devuan.org/devuan-editors/devuan-www

It integrates Discourse embedded comments, which works nicely simply by adding a topic_id: 123 entry in the frontmatter. The source/partials/_discourse.erb will pick it up and fetch them from our forum.

I’m wondering about a couple of things that I didn’t find a pointer for so far:

  • I’m reusing quite a lot of links across the site and was thinking about a solution to maintain links in a central place so that I don’t have to repeat their markdown references everywhere. This is prone to error and quite unmaintainable. I guess using data might work. Is there any best practice for this?
  • I want to integrate Gitlab and Discourse links to categories, topics, posts, issues, milestones, etc. Entering them manually is cumbersome, and using Erb for this is a bit overkill. I’d like instead to use specific markup and extend the markup processor to recognize new patterns (e.g., group/project#issue_number would generate a link to the relevant issue, or topic:123 would turn into [My Topic Title][t123]). Where do I get started with this task?

Thank you for your attention! (and Discourse rocks)