Writing my own class: problems with visibility

Apologies if I will be not entirely clear, but I’m not entirely familiar with all the Ruby terminology that I’m trying to stretch.

I’ve been trying to build a simple MiddlemanExtension to output the HTML page title irrespective of where this has been stored, but giving some kind of logical precedence.

Below an abstract:

class SeoSupport < Middleman::Extension
	def initialize(app, options_hash={}, &block)

 	helpers do
		def page_title
			@title || current_page.data.title || I18n.t(:blogPageDefaultTitle) rescue ""
		# Printing methods with the corresponding HTML tag
		def print_page_title
	        unless page_title.blank? 
            	concat '<title>' << h(page_title.gsub("\n","")) << '</title>' << "\n"

::Middleman::Extensions.register(:seo_support, SeoSupport)

The problem lays down on the private Access Control decorator. As far as I understand, the private just above the page_title function should not allow the method to be called by an external receiver (which in my case is a template).

However, by the time the extension is registered, if within a template I recall either the print_page_title or page_title, the output is print regardless.

Surely it’s me being a newbie in Ruby, so is there somebody that could help me figuring out what I’m doing incorrectly?
